Domino's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair / Tuxedo (medium coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Baby

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Oh--the little tail tip is dipped in sugar!

About Domino

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Color: Black with white tuxedo with white tail tip / Bicolor
  • Current Age: 15 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

You don't know what happened. You had a family--then you didn't. And now you're a single mom with a bunch of kids. What do you do?

Kittens! They couldn't be cuter. At the time we are posting them, we don't know who's a girl; who's a boy. But golly, they can't get any better than this.

We've got three cute-as-a-button black and white tuxedo kitties, each of them wth unique markings!

We've got one Siamese mix kitty.

We've got two gray tabby cats. One is a darker gray; one is light. Both are fluffy and cute.

We've got one very unique black and charcoal marked kitten--you've never seen anything like her!

Pictures will be added as we get them. Watch their webpages for group and indivdual photos. If you see one of them that you love, just mark that baby (or babies) as a favorite! (Note: you must register on the website first to do this. Your favorites are confidential.)

To view the babies, go to their webpages at To fill out an application  click the link under your favorite kitten's photo.

For more information contact their foster dad directly:

More about Domino

Good with Cats

Domino's companion, Night Breeze (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Domino's companion, Spinner D. Cat Tail (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Domino's companion, Two Tone Tater (adopted) can also be seen on our website.

Happy Cat Adoptions is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  100% of every adoption fee is used to rescue or maintain homeless animals.  Please consider donating to help rescue more animals.

Other Pictures of Domino (click to see larger version):
